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Our family on the way from the end of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation through the times of Prussian kings and German emperors to Germany's democratic present.

There will be a lot to note - you are welcome to contribute something


with photos, texts, contributions from you, from Pehlemanns and relatives for our website www.pehlemann.org

Reichsadler an der Weidendammer Brücke in Berlin Germany - Foto © Wolfgang L. M. Pehlemann IMG_5611 The German imperial eagle. Respect? With the hand in salute...
The German federal eagle flag. Respect? ...It's only for football fans of the national team.
The imperial eagle and 400+ years of the hard-working Pehlemann family, from the farmer, to the judge, to the soldier, to the secret. "Oberregierungsrath" and commission president - "I serve..." They knew no other way. And responsibility was innate.
400 years later, a broad mass of people are demanding against the state. It must by government. They should take care of things. "Why me...?"
I stop every time at the Weidendammer Bridge in Berlin (when I'm overthere) in front of the imperial eagle. Thoughtful 
A few hundred meters further on, under the German eagle, they decide in the parliament how much money they want to spend on voter acquisition, which empty federal and state coffers don't necessarily provide.
Germany, my heavens, how you have changed.
Photo © Wolfgang L. M. Pehlemannon pehlemann.org
July 15th, 2024
Bundesrepublik Deutschland - der Deutsche Bundestag Foto © Wolfgang L. M. Pehlemann The German legislature: the German Bundestag 
...in the building of the German Reichstag in Berlin, very close to the Berlin Tiergarten, also known as the green lung of the German capital. Old and new Germany.
Speaking of the Tiergarten and Berlin: one Pehlemann also held the office of President of the Ministerial, Military and Building Commission as a Privy Senior Government Councillor, oops, he was also Director of the Berlin Tiergarten. A very hard-working (Pehle) man.
Photo © Wolfgang L. M. Pehlemann on pehlemann.org
update July 15th, 2024
Ein Blick in den deutschen Regierungssitz oder Einblick - das Bundeskanzleramt Berlin Foto © Wolfgang L. M. Pehlemann The German executive - a look inside the German seat of government - 
The Federal Chancellery on the Spreebogen in Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany.

 A Pehlemann, as a military man in the 1960s, was the Chancellor's courier for the exchange of particularly secret documents between the German Chancellor and the President of the United States of America, including between the Secretaries of Defense of both countries; he was my father.
Photo © Wolfgang L. M. Pehlemann on pehlemann.org
update July 15th, 2024