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In memoriam

C. E. Walter Pehlemann,
Fritz-Wilhelm Pehlemann
and Eberhard Pehlemann

C. E. Walter Pehlemann died in 1960

A period of two generations has passed since Walter is no longer with us. We as a family owe him a huge debt of gratitude for his lifelong work in compiling the family history and creating the family tree to its very considerable extent. I will explain more about this elsewhere.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to know Walter himself - it wasn't meant to be.
I was too young; Today I am one of the seniors in the family.

Fritz-Wilhelm Pehlemann died in 2004

In 1982 I made him head of the family at the first "Pehlemann family festival" that I organized in Lembruch on Dümmer Lake in Germany because he was predestined for this in the family and had the right skills. I had asked that all participants at the festival provide documentary evidence of this - many of those present at the time are no longer with us today.

 It made sense that I would combine my family research, which I began in the 1960s and 1970s, with his.
There wasn't enough time with him to continue writing our history.
It was not meant to be.

Fritz-Wilhelm Pehlemann Kiel 2004 Trauergebinde mit Bodenvase Schleifen Familie Pehlemann Deutschland Niederlande Namibia Canada USA Foto © Wolfgang L. M. Pehlemann

He was followed in 2023 by his son Eberhard Pehlemann,

too early - between 2004 and my retirement in 2012, Eberhard and I made the decision that the history of the Pehlemann family had to be continued and that we should approach this in a digital manner in a contemporary manner - 
this was also not meant to be together.

On the photo with the funeral bouquet on a high floor vase for Fritz-Wilhelm's funeral service, I left a last greeting on the ribbons in 2004: 
Pehlemann family - Germany - Netherlands - Namibia - Canada - USA

“Everything has its time”? Everything may remind us to do what our time dictates.

Perhaps this photo can remain on this website for longer to illustrate this: 
Pehlemann - a family. 
Sprouted from Märkisch soil and scattered around the world.

May the picture testify that it is and remains a family which belongs together.

May 10, 2024
Wolfgang L. M. Pehlemann