C. E. Walter Pehlemann,
Fritz-Wilhelm Pehlemann
and Eberhard Pehlemann
C. E. Walter Pehlemann died in 1960
A period of two generations has passed since Walter is no longer with us. We as a family owe him a huge debt of gratitude for his lifelong work in compiling the family history and creating the family tree to its very considerable extent. I will explain more about this elsewhere.
Unfortunately, I didn't get to know Walter himself - it wasn't meant to be.
I was too young; Today I am one of the seniors in the family.
Fritz-Wilhelm Pehlemann died in 2004
In 1982 I made him head of the family at the first "Pehlemann family festival" that I organized in Lembruch on Dümmer Lake in Germany because he was predestined for this in the family and had the right skills. I had asked that all participants at the festival provide documentary evidence of this - many of those present at the time are no longer with us today.
It made sense that I would combine my family research, which I began in the 1960s and 1970s, with his.
There wasn't enough time with him to continue writing our history.
It was not meant to be.
He was followed in 2023 by his son Eberhard Pehlemann,
too early - between 2004 and my retirement in 2012, Eberhard and I made the decision that the history of the Pehlemann family had to be continued and that we should approach this in a digital manner in a contemporary manner -
this was also not meant to be together.
On the photo with the funeral bouquet on a high floor vase for Fritz-Wilhelm's funeral service, I left a last greeting on the ribbons in 2004:
Pehlemann family - Germany - Netherlands - Namibia - Canada - USA
“Everything has its time”? Everything may remind us to do what our time dictates.
Perhaps this photo can remain on this website for longer to illustrate this:
Pehlemann - a family.
Sprouted from Märkisch soil and scattered around the world.
May the picture testify that it is and remains a family which belongs together.
May 10, 2024
Wolfgang L. M. Pehlemann