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About research of ancestors & family tree
family Pehleman/n and relatives

Knowledge base of ancestry, family tree and naming

A pedigree represents the ancestors of a person, whereas the family tree looks at the descendants of a parent couple. The family tree usually branches like a tree from the top (with the ancestors) upwards into broad branches with the youngest generations. A pedigree starts with a specific (usually current) person and opens wider at the top like a fan.  

There is an old tradition of genealogical processing in the male line or the representation of the paternal and maternal lines, which enlarges a family tree immensely.

Family tree Pehlemann & Pehleman Digital archive Wolfgang L. M. Pehlemann
Family tree Pehlemann & Pehleman
The first generations of main line Zernickow.

 Family tree in the form of blood-related male descendants, as researched and compiled by C. E. Walter Pehlemann up until the 1950s.

Our family tree structures were, as before, focused on male descendants, but this did not mean disrespect for female family members, but was purely due to the tracking of ancestors by surname. For centuries, a German rule applied that the man kept his name when he married and the bride took the man's name when she married. A Pehlemann daughter was recorded in the family tree with all the information (as was the Pehlemann son), but a daughter dropped the name Pehlemann when she married and took the man's name, which meant that subsequent children no longer had any reference to the name Pehlemann. When such children were born, the designation "(1.T. or 1.S.)" was born. 

The strict tracking of blood-related Pehlemann ancestors by C. E. Walter Pehlemann cannot be maintained if genealogy is based on people with similar names. Today, the freer right to choose names when getting married can lead to initial confusion. The blessing of children for couples without a marriage certificate or for single mothers is not the end point in more complicated genealogy, but adoptions also result in genealogical peculiarities. 

A genealogical obstacle to genealogy of a completely different kind has been brought to us in Europe by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR), which came into force on May 25, 2016 and took effect on May 25, 2018. Then the German Federal Minister of Justice Barley (SPD) agreed to this for Germany in the EU without restriction or correction, thus enabling a bureaucratic data protection juggernaut, which she initially defended by saying that none of this meant any work - Mrs. Barley made people work... These data protection regulations (see also on our website) mean that research outside the family has been made very difficult by personal data protection. Just as serious is the lack of knowledge of clerks in government offices or church offices, where all too often unjustified requests for data or people are not answered or are rejected. 

Feb 20th, 2024
Wolfgang L. M. Pehlemann