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Imprint - Impressum

Pehlemann.org is a private, non-commercial and international multilingual website for the families and people named Pehlemann and Pehleman with residences actual or in the past in Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Namibia, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain , Switzerland, South Africa and the United States of America (USA), the named authors are responsible for the international contributions. 
With ref. to the private, non-commercial website an imprint is not  obligated!

To the registrar for this website, the registrant is only the name holder:
Wolfgang L. M. Pehlemann
Norderstraße 9
24972 Steinberg, Germany
Fon: 03642 403027 0
Fax: only with email request 
E-Mail: info at pehlemann dot org 
Internet: www.pehlemann.org
Any unauthorized use of given data or addresses will be prosecuted under law.

Responsible for content Wolfgang Pehlemann, as far as contributions with his identification.

Wolfgang L. M. Pehlemann


Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The other operators are solely responsible for their content of the linked pages.

Photo credits:

Author and image source of the images used in the original "Help Responsive" layout: Keyboard on newspaper - Tastatur auf Zeitung © D.aniel #20039507 / fotolia.com