Frequently asked questions
Q: Why is this website free to use?
A: To give you the opportunity to make a donation towards the costs - you can contact the admin for this.
Q: Why is the website multilingual, in German, English and Dutch?
A: Because the admin does not speak French, Polish or Spanish.
Q: Why should information be sent by email (incl. contact form) and not by messenger?
A: Messenger services such as WhatsApp, Threema, Signal, Telegram etc. etc. are less suitable for archiving/storing messages - working, merging data and archiving with emails and searchable PDFs (instead of image screenshots) is much easier for those actives on this website.
Q: Who has to do what to gain access to the PW-protected website?
A: Only family members and possibly other relatives are granted access upon request by email, if some information about parents and any siblings or own children (each with date of birth) is provided in order to demonstrate affiliation or closeness to the family; for third parties, a decision is made on an individual basis. More information here.
Q: Why doesn't the search engine show the search term directly on the correct page?
A: Because this search engine may list multiple results pages that contain the search term.
Q: Why does the search engine sometimes show no results even though the search term appears in the website?
A: The search engine is geared towards the current language, so please search for the search term in the language of the currently selected language - example: the EN search term "Switzerland" cannot logically be found on a current Dutch or German page.
Q: Why are there so many mistakes in the translations?
A: Because automatic Internet translators are sometimes used for the translations.
Q: Why is New Zealand and Australia not mentioned in the residences of the Pehleman family?
A: Unfortunately, only the wind knows the answer...
April 24th, 2024
Wolfgang L. M. Pehlemann