Starting a BLOG

unser BLOG ist auch Dein Blog...

This blog is my BLOG, this blog is your BLOG, from California to the German islands, from British Columbia to Namibia Westcoast. This BLOG is made for you and me.!
WolfgP (bloggy song similar to... - ähnlich mit...)

For your contributions please use your own Email software - form mailer is ot of order - für Deinen Beitrag nutze bitte Dein eigenes Email-Programm - das Email-Formular hier ist derzeit nicht benutzbar.

It's started, no, it's deleted...

The most complicated part of the website with the integration of the password protected area including the complex'
PHP-scripts with the MySQL-database for the family tree, the persons and the family history as well as
other genealogical applications add. the insertion in the base HTML-site IS DONE NOW, NO: IS DELETED.
Oct. 3rd, 2021 / May 2023 / WolfgP.

Wahlen in Deutschland... sind längst Geschichte geworden

SPD - Gewinner der Bundestagswahl vom 26.09.2021 - - ein Gewinn für die Familie...
27.09.2021 / WolfgP.

Election in Canada... in the meantime only history

A Pehlemann as an opposing candidate?
J. Trudeau wins the election in Canada, but he does not achieve the desired absolute majority and must continue to govern with a worse election result.
Sep. 22, 2021 by WolfgP.

mail it

Blog(ge) Deinen Beitrag -
blog your story

Es ist ganz einfach, an die eMail-Adresse unten
Deine Story senden und "wir bringen's raus"
(Veröffentlichung vorbehalten, z.B. wegen evtl. Spam) 

It's easy to blog, please use the eMail-adress below
Send your story and "we'll get it out"
(Publication reserved, e.B. due to possible spam) 

Info & Text for please email to:
